SCHEDULE: Here you’ll find a overview of what you should be working on each week, due dates for the whole semester, as well as links to any materials (readings, screenings etc.) & links for tutorials, discussion, & assignment submissions.
ASSIGNMENTS: Here you’ll find details on the ongoing assignments for the semester.
TECH: Here you’ll find description of all of the tech we’re using for this class and how we’re using it.
ASSESSMENT: Here you’ll find a breakdown of grade weighting and a description of the processes of Self-Assessment we’ll be using for this class. You can also see the prompts for particular reflections you’ll be writing to accompany specific assignments.
RESOURCES: Hover over this tab and you’ll find links to various resources and supports Middlebury offers.
ABOUT: About this course, About me, Acknowledgments, etc.
If you have any questions, you can always email me at or message me on Teams.