Tools & Tech

Microsoft Teams: We’ll be using Teams for text-based discussion, for group work, and for assignment submission. We will have a tech and creative help discussion board and various chat threads on teams. You can use Teams to message other students individually as well.  I will email you with the info to sign into the class Teams if you’re not automatically added. 

Perusall: All readings and video lectures will be available on Perusall, a collaborative annotation tool that is excellent for fostering class discussion. You will be commenting on these regularly throughout the semester as part of your ongoing work. I will email you with the info to register for our class Perusall. 

Flipgrid: We’ll be using Flipgrid for periodic asynchronous video conversations throughout the semester. Flipgrid is integrated into Teams. 

Adobe Premiere: We’ll be using Adobe Premiere for editing assignments throughout the class. You will need to have access to a computer that supports Premiere. Middlebury has a free license for educational use. Premiere is the software we use as our main editing tool in the FMMC department. 

External Hard Drive: You will need a dedicated hard drive to edit from for the course. It’s the one purchase that you need to make for the course as there are no textbooks to purchase.

Google Drive for assignment submission: You’ll upload your video assignments to google drive and then link to them  on teams when submitting assignments. This allows for backup dependability. 

Google Drive for source sharing

OpenTogetherTube: We’ll use OpenTogetherTube for our collective synchronous virtual screenings (which will happen during our screening time on Tuesday evenings, at 8PM).  Screenings will rarely be longer than an hour. 

LinkedIn Tutorials: We will be using LinkedIn Tutorials to help you learn your way around Premiere. Middlebury College has a subscription to these tutorials. You do not need to pay for them yourself; log in with your Middlebury credentials.