*I recommend using headers for each component for clarity (you can give them clever names if you want)
- Intro: Should speak to the broader issues you’re considering in terms of fan studies and in terms of your fandom, and gesture to your concluding argument. Don’t make this too broad–stick to the focus of your thesis. (So not (just as an example): “fan art is creative,” but “race-bending fan art critiques the source text while setting up new imaginary worlds…”) (1-2 pages)
- Methodology: Why did you choose what you chose to study? What is your relationship to that object of study? How did you choose the particular fan work(s)/communities/sites you chose? What types of theoretical frames (driven by the readings etc) are you bringing to your analysis of the fan work in question? This is where you can also talk about the limits of what you’re studying and how you’re studying it–what you’re not studying, what claims you don’t feel you can make, etc.(1-2 pages)
- Review of Literature: Choose 3-5 academic source (essays or book chapters) related to your topic; summarize their arguments and show how they relate to one another. (1-2 pages)
- Your close analyses. Include written close analysis of 2-3 specific examples supplemented, if you choose, with digital annotations using Video Ant. (3 pages)
- Conclusion: Should sum up the main thrust of your argument, discuss its implications, remaining questions, and future courses of study. (1 page)
- Works Cited – formatted according to Chicago 16 standard citation formatting