
Flipgrid is an aysnchronous video discussion tool crafted for educational use. We will be using FlipGrid regularly throughout the semester for asynchronous video discussion. Every week you will respond on Flipgrid to two sets of prompts, one about the weekly mix and one about the screenings, and then you’ll respond to each other. It’s my hope that Flipgrid will serve a double purpose: it will help us build class community and provide a tool for individual and collective engagement with and analysis of the course material.

Flipgrid is a video tool, but you don’t have to show your face if you’re not comfortable doing so. There are various filter options and you can screencast as well and essentially just talk with an image background. I don’t mind either way, as long as you’re engaging with the ideas and with each other.

See the password-protected Offsite Links for the join link to the class Flipgrid.

