
Each week we will have a screening of television, film, or digital media, that we will consider through the lens of our course foci. These screenings will generally be around 2 hours long, sometimes slightly longer if we watch three episodes of television.

Our screenings are scheduled for Wednesdays at 7.30. Although we’re not meeting in person, I strongly encourage you to set aside that time to watch the videos, so that you can stay in the flow of the class and be able to participate in the screening discussions. And of course screening discussion on Teams is extra credit!

The screenings will be linked from the class schedule each week. I link to the screenings on various streaming services, some of which are subscription services. If you have subscriptions, I recommend you watch them that way as they will be the best quality. I am also linking to Google Drive files available only to our class so that everyone will have access. Please do not circulate these files beyond the class and delete them at the end of the semester. 

For direct links to the screenings, please look in the current week under Think/Write Cycles.
