Each week, we’ll have a discussion on Flipgrid about that week’s screenings.
I will I post specific questions and prompts each week on Flipgrid to help guide and focus the discussion. As with the weekly mix, we will analyze and discuss these screenings on flipgrid in two phases. First, in a 3-5 minute long flipgrid video, you will share your initial impressions of the screenings and respond to some dimension of my prompts or take the conversation in a new direction I didn’t mention. These initial videos will be due every Thursday.
Each week, in addition to sharing your initial thoughts on video, you’ll then respond to at least two of your fellow classmate’s inquiries. You will have until Friday night at midnight to write these responses. These response videos can be a bit shorter if you want, say 2-3 minutes.
As with the weekly mix responses, these videos can be conversational and casual. I encourage ongoing conversation, with whatever twists and turns emerge. Depending on the direction of the class discussion, we will explore ideas raised in the Flipgrid in our zoom sessions.
At selected points in the semester, you will write a self-assessment on your participation in the these flipgrid videos, considering your engagement with the course material and with the collaborative learning of the class.
*To be clear: These screening-focused flipgrid discussions are separate and in addition to the weekly-mix-focused ones.